Monday, 2 February 2009

i did end up staying in the Santa Monica area yesterday. It's a really nice place, lots of trendy shops and little cafes and things, as well as more street performers than I've ever seen in one place.

Today is going to be a bit of a waste of a day unfortunately. I've got to catch three different buses to get to my hotel for tomorrow so i'm going to end up spending the day lugging my full backpack around trying to find the right spots to catch them.

My trip starts tomorrow so I dont know when I'll get chance to post again. The trip is going down the coast to San Diego, then back up and inland to Las Vegas and then going to San Fransisco by way of the Death Valley National PArk. I am staying in camping accomadation apart from in Las Vegas so I'm guessing I'll next be in touch from there.

bye bye


  1. Wow all sounds amazing, weather looks lovely... something of a contrast from here :) have an awesome time in Vegas, be careful not to spend up!! lol take care xxxx

  2. blog! lighten up my snowy life! xx
