Friday, 27 February 2009

answering kates questions

no katie New Zealand hasn't been a disapointment at all, I have. I already didn't have enough time here and the various stupid things i've done, like breaking my camera and losing my credit card, have only made things worse. I should have done New Zealand or Australia, as I think both are going to end up ultimately being a disappointment because I'm always going to be in a rush. I've already decided I've got to come back and do a proper three month trip around NZ so i can see EVERYTHING.

Cant go up the glacier unfortunately. Im in Franz Joesef now but i've got to leave in the morning. I had to choose between doing the Fox Glacier or Doing Milford Sound, and i choose the latter. I wanted to get down here yesterday but unfortunately the Kiwi Experience bus network is really busy at the moment, they've had 2 coaches running this stretch of the South Island because of the demand, and I couldn't get on an earlier bus.

what job has Irmeet got sorted and when do you think you'll find out?

And no there isn't any photos of me and it's going to stay that way. they're my holiday photos and i dont want to look at them in the future and see my stupid face in the way of all the beautiful things


  1. Firstly you are a grump for not having photos of yourself.

    Don't ever think that doing NZ/Aus is the wrong thing. I remember thinking something similar, the problem is the world is so massive and we are so small even if we spent all our lives traveling you would never see it all. England/Scotland etc is probably the most diverse and beautiful country in the world but we have not seen EVERYTHING so why should we expect to do the same in one country on the other side of the world. The trick is to see as much as you can in a short period of time. It would have been foolish to travel all that way and not do both. By all means go back and see more, but what about the rest of the world? maybe you should think about working somewhere for a year. Your trip sounds hectic and at times disorganised because of your reliance on the buses but at the end of the day all you can do is make the most of the time available, when you look back on the trip I dont think it will be a disappointment.

    Anyway moom has got ACCS a 3 year programme in A+E/Acute Med/Anaesthetics/ITU which will lead him to speciality training in Anaesthetics/ITU. I will hopefully hear about my interview on monday, interviews begin the week of 9th March.

    Killers tonight yippee! bring on the weekend!

    Lots of Love

  2. Don't beat yourself up about the fact you haven't done everything. Here is a sad fact for you - the area of NZ is 103,738 sq miles, the area of England is 50,346 sq miles - you wouldnt expect to explore the whole of England in less than 3 weeks, yet you have managed to do a good chunk of both islands. (Aint Wikipedia wonderful - if not always accurate!) Like you say, you will have to go back.

    Mum xxxxxxxx
