Sunday, 1 February 2009

First Day in LA

Well I'm now in Los Angeles, it's 10 o clock in the morning and absolutely glorious.

The flight in couldn't have been more perfect, the person sat next to me didn't turn up so I had lots of leg room, the flight was an hour and a half early in landing, i got through immigration, which i throught would take hours, in about five minutes and in about another 10 minutes i managed to find and get on the transfer bus to the hostel at Santa Monica.

Everything happened in such good time that i was able to go out for a walk along the sea front before going to bed. It all seemed as if nothing could wrong.

so onto this morning...

my intention this morning was to go for a walk around Santa Monica and along the beach, instead however I have been frantically rushing around every cash machine i can find trying to (unsuccessfully) get some money out. So after a vaguely frantic phone call home, and a few exchanges of e-mails, hopefully this will all be sorted out now. w

also it seems like my phone isn't going to work in the US so nobody expect any texts or phone calls from me.

sorry there's no photos yet but various other stresses have been getting in the way so far so i haven't took any yet.

I will post again tomorrow before my trip starts on monday because i'm not sure how chance i'll have to post while i'm on that trip because im camping most nights rather than in hostels.


  1. Hi Paul, just spoke to your ma n pa, they said you're all sorted now thank goodness! It sounds absolutely lovely - but we're not in the least bit jealous,Pinxton's a really fun place to be, especially in sunny February! Now you just relax and have a fab time. Take care me duck.
    lots of love Aunty Trish and Uncle Paul xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. I bet santa monica is not as good as my hospital

    Glad you made it there OK

    Sorry I did not get to speak to you yesterday. Crazy at work.

    Love you, tigger says purr
    Post some photos tomorrow before your trip.
    GO for universal studios - you will regret it if you dont go.

    Bye Bye
